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Daily Divine

Message Of The Day




The ego accumulates negativity and holds on to it for a long time. It settles into them mind and body as destructive patterns, attitudes, behaviors, habits and feelings. The more negativity you amass and absorb, the more difficult it is to sense and see the light of your Spirit.

It is time to detox from all of this negativity, to clear the inner light and let it shine once again. Start by cleansing your body. Stop eating heavy food, sugar, and white flour or using alcohol, tobacco, and other non toxins for the next few days. These foods and substances tax your system and place a burden on you, dimming the light of your Spirit.

It’s also time to eliminate other toxic elements in your life as well. Are your conversations toxic? Are your habits? Is your thinking? How about your associations? If you aren’t sure, ask your Spirit and then feel the vibration of your answer.

Harmful substances, behaviors, and associations drain your energy and leave you feeling stress and sick. They suck the light and joy out of you, making you fatigued, depressed, and unmotivated. Just as you wouldn’t stay in a room filled with nuclear waste, don’t wallow in the psychic toxic energy of your life any further. Your Spirit deserves better, and your inner light can no longer be felt in such negative circumstances.

Detox from those elements that harm your Spirit, before you get sick, become demoralized, or lose your energy. Yes, it takes discipline. Find the resolve to do this, and quit postponing it. Seek help if you must — it’s there for the asking. You are at a saturation point of negativity and can’t experience peace until you clear away the pollution.



About cosmicdarling

One with all that is


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April 2011

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